
Niveshika-Investment Blog


Niveshika has been created to spread financial awareness to investors for long term wealth creation and financial planning across different financial instruments, investment domains like Mutual Fund, Insurance, Stock investing etc.


Thursday, December 7, 2023


Mutual fund (MF) scheme issued by mutual fund houses, collects money from various investors who wish to invest in equities. The fund houses then invest the money collected across various financial instruments to generate high returns. The MFs are professionally managed. You as an investor also have an option to buy these stocks directly from the stock market.


There are various benefits of investing through mutual funds, which may not be available if one invests directly through shares. Direct equity investment can be very rewarding, however, the risk of loss in direct equity is also very high. It is not easy to understand equity. One needs to understand the underlying business and industry the business operates in, before investing in equity (stocks).

Most important factors to invest in equities are

- Do you understand equities?

- Do you understand the underlying business and how it earns money?

- Can you figure out the fair value of that business?

- Do you have time to trade & track stocks?

- Do you have discipline to continually allocate time to make investment decisions?


Do you want to create wealth in the long term or you want few gains here and there. The most difficult thing in the stock market is to sit tight on your profits. The moment you see your capital doubles, you will sell. Also, when your stock is down, you will try to average it.  Investing is less of intelligence and more of Psychology.


Another problem in direct stocks is the sizing. You can make money in direct investing if your allocation to good stocks is very high. Even if your stock rises 4-5 times but your allocation is not large enough, your gains will be limited. You will not be able to increase your allocation in rising stocks. Can you increase your allocation in a stock which has risen 2-3 times its buying price. More often than not, you will sell it before it gives you substantial gains. You will always increase your allocation in stocks which are falling. That's the whole tragedy of direct investing. 


Most of the investors buy on tips which you keep getting every day on the mobile.  Even, if  you follow some market expert for stock buying, he may tell you some good shares which are looking good at that point but he may change his view after a while due to many reasons associated with the stock. So, if you want to be in the business of direct stocks then you will have to rely on yourself and not on anybody else. Experts keep changing their views as per the market conditions. But to rely on yourself for buying direct stocks is easier said than done. You need to understand the market thoroughly and must have seen 2-3 bad cycles.


Also, you should be able to at least, I say ATLEAST, read and understand the balance sheet, profit and loss account and cash flow statement of the company. This is the minimum requirement of direct stock investing. 


Mutual fund investing is low ticket size. You can start with capital  as low as Rs 500/-. In direct equities you require higher capital. Also, exit from mutual fund is easier than in stocks. 


Investors may not have the necessary skills to identify the right stocks. Not everyone can dedicate time to do research. Mutual funds, therefore, offer investors the expertise of fund managers with a whole research team. Also, mutual fund investing is easy, less emotional, disciplined, cheap and tax efficient. 


It is very easy to have access to information and knowledge about the market and companies but to become wise out of this information and knowledge is MOST DIFFICULT and more often than not, it will be the opposite.  


Look at the mutual funds. You will get 14-15% compound annual growth rate without losing your sleep and without looking at the market everyday. The problem in direct investing is the attachment with the stock. You can't sit idle with the stock price. If it goes up, you will sell and if it goes down, you buy and keep averaging. So, over a period of time, you will sell all your good stocks and accumulate junk stocks. Also, buying and selling entails brokerage charges and capital gains. So, your profits will further reduce.


Mutual funds do not have stock price but net asset value (NAV) which no body tracks. In fact, whenever the market falls, due to your SIPs investing, you accumulate more units of mutual fund Scheme because of the cheap NAV.  So, you can really sit tight and can keep increasing your allocation in your mutual funds for many years. That is where the power of compounding kicks in. 


All humans have urges. Stock investing can also be an urge. If you really want to indulge in direct stocks then allocate 10-20% of your corpus in direct stocks and rest can go to mutual funds. Compare your returns after 3-4 years. If you have made more money in stocks then increase your allocation slowly in stocks. 


Also, to reach a target of ₹2 Crores in 20 years, you need to invest ₹10,000/- per month in good quality 2-3 mutual funds with an annual increment of 1,000/- which is easily achievable.


Also, to reach a target of ₹5 Crores in 20 years, you need to invest ₹30,000/- per month in good quality 4-5 mutual funds  with an annual increment of ₹2,000/-. This can be easily done without losing your peace of mind.


DISCLAIMER :   The opinion  expressed above  is our personal  opinion and  in no  way recommendation  of buying  or selling.  You must  consult  your  financial advisor   before making any fresh investment  in equity market. Please also note that  past   performance of funds does not guarantee future returns. 


We are also operating a Mutual Fund Distribution  Firm INVESTOR FIRST. For better understanding of mutual fund investments or Investment Planning for future targets, you can contact us at the following address :


Head Office : 2nd Floor, 159/129/96, Sri Krishna Tower, Near Hotel Ramada, Ballupur Road, Dehradun-248001, Uttarakhand.

Contact Numbers: +91-9164046333 (personal), +91-8410116967(off), +91-6397808084(off), +91-1353520386(off).

Mail Address:,



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